Soil conditioners
Our soil conditioners improve the physical and chemical conditions of saline or acid soils and increase the availability of calcium for your crops. They work in the zone occupied by the roots of plants and trees during their first years.
The main function of agricultural soil conditioners is to absorb water in the wet period and release it in the dry period, thus preventing water stress in crops. In addition, they will benefit from an increase in bacterial activity, improve water penetration, decrease plant stress and prevent soil depletion.
Soil structure and the recycling of essential nutrients are the key to good crop performance. Rely on our complete calcium liquid and concentrated calcium suspension for soil correction: improve soil quality, salinity and structural problems.
Nuestras instalaciones están preparadas con la última tecnología para desarrollar soluciones eficientes para la agricultura moderna
Productos aptos para la agricultura ecológica
Productos aptos para la agricultura biodinámica
Pol. Ind. Sector 2. C/ Dénia, 126
03780 Pego, Alicante
+34 96 557 09 92
Con el objetivo de ofrecer al agricultor distintas alternativas que consigan incrementar el rendimiento de sus cultivos, PLYMAG cuenta con una gama muy amplia de productos, entre los que destacan los productos certificados para la agricultura ecológica.
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® PLYMAG 2023