Flower Power SP

Flowering and fruit set inducer
Abono NPK 2-16-11 con Boro (B), Molibdeno (Mo) y Aminoácidos

Flower Power SP is a special product recommended to improve flowering and fruit set in crops such as cucurbits, vegetables, olives and citrus fruits. Its special formulation with a high content of Boron and Molybdenum as well as phosphorus, provides the plant with the essential nutrients to develop an abundant and quality flowering. In addition, its high biostimulant content provides sufficient energy to successfully overcome the moment of high energy demand. Its application provides.

• Increased pollen fertility
• Decreased abscission of newly set fruit
• Plant energy savings
• Anti-stress and stimulating power thanks to its formulation with organic marine components

Declared content

Free amino acids: 5,0 % p/p

Total nitrogen (N): 2,0 % w/w

Ammoniacal nitrogen (N): 1,0 % p/p
Organic Nitrogen (N): 1,0 % p/p

Phosphorus pentoxide (P O25 ):: 16,0 % p/p

Potassium oxide (K2 O): 11,0 % p/p

Boron (B): 8,0 % p/p

Molybdenum (Mo): 8,0 % p/p


Aminogram Gly (50%) and Lys (50%)
Contains MICS-6 complex

Physico-chemical characteristics

Aspect: Soluble powder

Color: White

pH(10g/L): 5,3

Form of application and dosage

Flower Power SP is specially developed for foliar application, although it can also be applied via irrigation, especially in those crops where foliar treatments may interfere with the biological action of pollinating insects or be under mulch:

Foliar application

Dosage (ha/application): 1 – 1,5 kg/ha

No. applications cycle: 1-3

Recommended concentration: 0,5%

Root application

Dosage (ha/application): 2-5 kg/ha

No. of applications cycle: 1-2

Maximum recommended concentration: 1%

Indications for use

Flower Power SP is a very soluble product that is easy to prepare. Prior dilution is not necessary. In case of mixing, it is recommended to follow the correct order to avoid physical interference. It is recommended to always treat when weather conditions are favourable for the application. Due to its composition, it is recommended to avoid mixing with products containing calcium.

The recommendations and information we provide are the result of extensive and rigorous studies and tests. However, numerous factors beyond our control (preparation of mixtures, application, climatology, etc.) PLYMAG, S.L. guarantees the composition, formulation and content. The user will be responsible for any damage caused (lack of efficacy, general toxicity, residues, etc.) by total or partial non-observance of the instructions on the label.

Which crops does it help?






Flower Power + Ecklomar

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and discover comprehensive solutions
for all types of crops

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