PLYMAG - Fertilizantes. Productos Biológicos

PLYMAG PLYMAG export productos ecológicos Productos PLYMAG Location Location innovations


mapa de exportacion productos plymagExperience and quality of our products make of PLYMAG a company focused on the international market. The internationalization progress of the company has been consolidated during these last years. At this moment, our products are widely distributed in the Mediterranean area, Middle East, and Central and South America, in more than 20 countries.

Exports have allowed expanding markets, overcoming the challenges from a technical point of view. Our products tackle nutritional requirements in all kind of crops and edafoclimatic conditions.

In future, we are aiming to consolidate the international presence of PLYMAG working side by side with agents in each market: distribution, technicians, and farmers.


PLYMAG, S.L. Pol. Ind. Sector 2. C/ Dénia, 126. 03780 Pego (Alicante) Spain. Tel.: +034 965 570 992 Fax: +034 965 570 454 ·